Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summer of Food (and Work?)

So on the shuttle down to NYC tonight, I started reading Julie & Julia. (About a woman named Julie who decides to spend a year cooking all the recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking.) It's actually much more entertaining than I'd expected, and as a pesca-vegetarian who loves to cook, I find her more lurid descriptions of meat preparations -- excavating the marrow from a cow bone, for example -- both horrifying and fascinating. Like the food memoir equivalent of watching a car accident.

But I have a point. And it's almost related. The point is this: Maybe I won't cook my way through a famous cookbook this summer (okay, it's definite), but I'll certainly eat my way through some of the best restaurants in the city. So I am going to pick up blogging again, because how could I not? And the best part? As a summer associate, the majority of these meals will be paid for by my firm!

Stay tuned . . .


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